Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Balancing Act

The past 2 days have been crazy busy.
Jelly Belly has woken up before 7 asking for her Lucky Charms.
Just imagine a lot of running around that included:

Lots of working out

Her preschool's Build with Junk Day

My Dermatologist Appointment (adult acne sucks)

Her 2nd opinion Dentist Appointment (this was worse than my acne)

Ballet Class

Gymnastics Class

Park Playdate

Lots and lots of laundry that still needs to be put away

Some cleaning, but not enough

Cooking (2 nights in a row)

and the list goes on...

There has been no down time and my free time has been spent on the internet checking out numerous blogs, Spring Fling, Wordless Wednesdays and UBP posts.  I can't pin point exactly what has me hooked on what is referred to as the blogosphere; but it has sucked me in. 
I am struggling to balance it all without neglecting Jelly Belly, the hubby and other things. I need more time.
I am feeling exhausted, but I go to work tomorrow and I can REST.
Three and a half years ago, I would have never referred to my career as a chance to rest.
How things have changed...

Friday will be Friendship Friday.  I hope you consider joining me in this new meme.
Your post can be anything related to friendship, your friends, your kids' friends, online friends....
Here are my first 2 Friendship Fridays, I hope I can keep it up! And I know it's Friday so feel free to keep it simple, I have!
Friendship Friday 2

Time to eat my sugar free popsicle and catch up on my Gossip Girl. I drank so much green tea today that I will be up until midnight and up before 6.


Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

My goodness, what a busy day,lol.

I am following you and I put your friendship Friday in my calendar so I can link up. I need to find or write a proper post for it. said...

wowsers... you def could use some down time girlie... i hear ya though... where does the time go??

Shannon K. said...

How funny. I just finished my sugar free popsicle.

Charlene said...

It is funny how our perspectives change. I always say that the true balancing act is between our internal sense of peace and all the external "to do's." So make sure you are taking that time for yourself - even if it's at work.

Also, Thanks for your comment on my special SITS day. I gave you a mention in my latest post! :-)

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