Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring is in the Air

Isabella is on spring break this week and oh how I wish that I still was! I just had a week off work, yep, my spring break gone, over, good bye. Yes, I know on most weeks I only work 2 days a week, Mondays and Thursdays, so I will not complain; but, it was so nice to be home with my kiddo. I am a bit worried because this past Monday, I had the most unproductive work day of the entire school year, or at least it felt like it. Work has been busy, I have to make the most out of my two days there. In general, I have been feeling good about work and what I do; I feel like I make a difference, I feel somewhat important. But Monday, I just could not get back into the groove of things, I wasted so much time. I missed Isabella. I was wishing I was outside with her enjoying the beautiful AZ weather. I know it will only last 2 weeks before the sun starts burning! Did I mention that I did not want to be there? And that my office does not have a window? I managed to take care of a few things but mostly:

I played with my phone.
I got on Facebook ALOT!
I organized our bills.
I made a few important calls.
I found out that our church is not having vacation bible school, and I so wanted Jelly Belly to go.
I emailed a couple of friends.
I drafted Mommy Co-op emails.
I came up with a very long "to do" list (not work related!)
I got American Express to remove a finance charge, love them!
I played on my phone some more and realized that spending all that money was worth every penny.

So hopefully tomorrow goes a lot better. I have the best job ever, the people sometimes not so great, but it is absolutely perfect for me right now. I don't have anyone waiting for me. I set my own deadlines, I rarely have meetings, I know what needs to be done and I do it. I am an independent worker who on most days can motivate myself to get my stuff done. Maybe I was having one of those days, those days that I wish I didn't have to work at all and could be a full time SAHM. But it is only twice a week, I will not complain. I have to admit that Isabella's smile and kisses and even disciplining her (even on those bad days) is so much more rewarding than anything I ever do at work. To make up for my lazy Monday at work, I have kept busy at home. Between ballet, story time and a play date, I have made the time to take her to the park, to feed the ducks and read many, many books at Barnes and Noble. We are also planning on going to the zoo on Friday.

What are you most proud of this week?

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