Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tara Firma Farms

Sunday was a good day in Petaluma, California! 
Church, followed with some IHOP and our first visit to Tara Firma Farms.
We are loving the weather here, 70 degrees with a bit of breeze from the wind!
Never did I think I would experience this in July!
Jelly Belly holding baby turkeys!

We had a great time! It was very relaxing! And Jelly Belly loved the baby chicks (turkeys) and piglets.
Best of all it was FREE! This farm offers free tours on Sundays.

We won't mention the big tantrum she threw when it was time to leave!

Join us in Mommy and Me!

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

You are making me want to move to Cali! 70 with a breeze? Awesome.

And, free entertainment, even better!

Anne said...

Followed you here… I’m from Mommy and Me Monday as well and here’s my share

Claudya Martinez said...

You guys are adorable! I'm glad you are enjoying your new surroundings.

Libby said...

Hey welcome back! Nice to see you're adjusting :) My lil' cutie pie would probably also throw a fit if she had to leave those adorable animals :)

April said...

How cute! I've never seen a place where you can hold baby turkeys. Stopping by from SITS!

Tamara Dawn said...

Sounds like fun!

A little late but wanted to say thanks for visiting my blog and I am following you right back from Follow Friday!

Have a great day!

Our Family for His Glory said...

What cute pictures- & a sweet little girl!

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